     The basis behind this story was that I wanted to give someone something that themselves, and basically anyone else, would want - and make them hate it.  Wouldn't you like to be rich, famous, have lots of money and women hanging at your every word (i mean, if your male. or hey, lesbian?)  Sure you would.  We all want to be envied, the top of the top.  And he's got all of that.   And he hates it.  There is my mockery onto all of us.  It exploits the fact that what we may think is desireable, may not be what everyone thinks is desireable.  Stanley's, (the name is derived from Stanley Kubrick), curse was hellish for him.  But it would be a boon to us.  Now apply this to heaven and hell?  Would heaven, being benificial to an individual - have to be many things all at once?  Not everyone enjoys the same things.  The same with hell.  If you hated people being happy and gay (in reference to "happy") all the time - wouldn't your hell actually be heaven?  And if your heaven was to see everyone around you in torment, with you the whip in your hand inflicting punishment upon those of lesser value - would your heaven not be hell?  ah hah. makes you think eh?  Makes me think.  Hope you enjoyed the story. =)