     Originally this story was different from what you have read, if you have read it.  I wrote it around '95 - where the begining and why he brings the gun and porno magazine to school are actually explained, and what had happened to him the previous day was explained as well.  Unfortunately, I lost the original copy - but remembered the "ending"... which was a great ending.  Normally when I show people this  story IRL afterwards I ask them "so, how do you think it ended?" - and they give me how their version of the story ends.  What they think happens.  I've gotten some great endings from people, but some of them failed to remember - Everything in the story has a reason  and not all of their ending scenerios gave reason to both the gun AND the magazine.  BTW, don't bother asking me "how does it end man?!?" ... I've had people threaten to beat me up, and I've still held ground.  I know my ending to the story, What's yours?